Poodle (unknown type) / Mixed : : Male : : Young : : Small
Scott is approximately 13 lbs - is approximately 10 mths old - gets along well with other dogs - is heartworm negative - is on preventative - is current on all shots - just about ready for a forever home. He has a goorming appt on 9/6 and waiting for a neutering appt soon. He is housebroken
after grooming pictures coming soon
UDPATE he is neutered and just about ready for his forever home
If you are interested in meeting and possibly adopting this fabulous pet, please complete an adoption application by Downloading the Adoption Application, complete and send to E-mail address: foranimals2002@aol.com
If you are interested in meeting and possibly adopting this fabulous pet, please fill out the online adoption application at http://foranimals2002.com PLEASE NOTE: we do not have a shelter where you can come to view our available dogs. All of our dogs are in foster homes. You must complete an application and references will be checked by an Adoption Screener before you can meet the dog. |